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One afternoon after my wife and daughter left the house, I went to the laundry room and retrieved a length of rope that had been there for over 3yrs. I went for the rope because over the previous couple of months, disquieting thoughts rumbled through my head. You see, I am Bi-Polar and had taken myself off two powerful prescription drugs. My wife was very concerned about the medications I was taking and recommended that I have my doctor prescribe something else. I was tired of being ‘drugged up’. 

Because of my condition, I am only able to work a part-time job. Needless-to-say, I quite often fell into a financial quandary. Not knowing sometimes where I was going to get the next meal for my family, would drive me into one of my deep depressive episodes. 

Well, as I slowly walked to the laundry room, I was visualizing myself hanging by the neck from the ceiling in my garage. I took the rope from the closet and went towards the garage. As I did, my pet Jack Russell was as cheerful as he always is-trying to have me play with him. I had to fend him off a few times as I struggled to get in the garage door without him following me. I sat on a Palate exercise machine and started to tie a noose with the rope. I could not remember how to do it. My concentration was not all there-my thoughts fluctuated between the family I was about to leave behind and how I was to tie the noose.

Finally, I had the rope ready. I stood up, stepped up onto the Palate machine, and threw the rope over one of the wooden beams the the garage ceiling. After adjusting the rope’s length, I slowly placed it over my head and positioned the noose on the left side of my neck. I stood there for about 5 minutes, still agonizing over how and what my 14 year old daughter would feel. That thought prevented me from going through with it. I took the noose off my neck and stepped off the Palate machine. I took the rope down and hid it in the garage, figuring that I would someday need it.

A few days after that, my sister called me and asked if I would like to get in the coffee business with her. She said she was on her way to a meeting that would explain the compensation plan and she wanted me to go with her. I said yes even before I realized what I was getting into. I hurriedly texted her cellphone and told her to forget it because I was in the middle of doing something. She texted me back and ask if I couldn't finish what I was doing after I came back. So reluctantly, I went with her. That was a LIFE CHANGING MOMENT for me.

After the presentation, I signed up as an Independent Distributor for the OrGano Gold Pack. They produce a line of Healthy Beverage products that is infused with a herbal extract called Ganoderma Lucidum. Everybody at the meeting was extremely excited about the health benefits of this thing they called “King of Herbs”.

I signed up for what I thought was an order for 83 boxes of Gourmet Coffee. When I saw my order online, it revealed that my order would contain 32 boxes of coffee and 16 bottles of the company’s Ganoderma capsules. I immediately called my sister to complain about my order. She reassured me that she would exchange the capsules with coffee. However, after I hung up the phone with her, I started thinking, “With all the OOP La about the Ganoderma, I should see what the effects would be for me”. I called my sister back and told her I decided to keep the capsules since I was not on any prescribed medication for my Bi-polar condition.

Now, let me take you back to the time after I came off my medication. One of the medications I was taking, helped me sleep at night. Subsequently, since I was no longer taking it, I now was awake for most of the night. My wife insisted that I go to my Primary Care Physician to get something for me to be able to sleep. I was prescribed Ambien CR. It did the job-I slept
wonderfully. But then I started to develop a serious side-effect from it. I had what I can only describe as Coerces of the bladder, a constant burning pain in my bladder and groin. Once I confirmed that Ambien CR was indeed causing this ill-effect, I stopped taking it. Now I was back staring at my bedroom ceiling at night, trying to fall asleep. When I did drift off to sleep, I was awaking at least 3 times every night to go use the toilet (#1). That was also caused by the Ambien CR.

So, when my OrGano Gold shipment arrived, I was excited to start taking the Ganoderma Lucidum capsules. I started taking 2 of the Ganoderma capsules twice a day, and 2 of the Ganoderma Spores capsules before going to bed. Immediately, I felt the effects. I was only getting up once a night to use the toilet, and with 2 weeks, I was sleeping like a baby. My wife still can’t believe it. Then, a few days ago, I was realizing that those disquieting thoughts of suicide were no longer there. My life has changed for the better. I did not expect this at all. In fact, I have always been skeptical of the so-called Health products that claim to cure everything. OrGano Gold came into my life on July 17, 2009, and has done more for me in weeks, what other medication could not do in all the years since my diagnosis. I am PROUD to be a Representative of OrGano Gold Ltd. Thank you


My name is John S and I became involved with Organo Gold on March 24th of 2009 after my trusted friend, Bill Thompson called me to ask if I would try some “healthy” coffee. I was a bit perplexed by this “healthy” moniker and at first, not very interested in even hearing about it since I was fairly sure it was a network marketing company. I have been involved with network marketing companies in the past and thought, “not again!”

However, trusting Bill and knowing his integrity and his heart, I said “OK, come on over, but I am not interested in hearing about any business or health issues until I myself can say truthfully that I enjoy the coffee”. Being a coffee drinker, I also told him “………it better be real good for me to switch from brewed coffee and change my morning routine!”

After trying some of the products, (Latte, Black and Mocha) right then and there in my home, my wife and I told him that we enjoyed them, they were very good and the most noticeable thing was the smooth taste. I further told him I would pray about it and give a decision in short order. Well, I prayed and thought about the confidence I felt in Bill when I saw his passion about the company and its products and decided to go ahead and sign up with a supervisor pack and get 19 boxes of coffee.

My wife and I started drinking the coffee immediately since Bill gave us enough to tide me over until my order arrived at my home. We both drink at least 2 cups each and every day and after 7 days, I was at a local WalMart picking up a few things when my wife called me. I thought she would be adding an item or two to what I had come for. Instead, she called to tell me she had just taken her blood pressure. I became a bit frightened at what she might say next since for the past 3 years or so, her BP was high enough to be concerned but not so high to be taking meds. (140/85 +/-).

Instead, she was excited that her BP, for the first time in a long time, was 121/78 which is basically picture perfect. She asked if it could be the coffee and I said I am not sure, I don’t know enough about it to say and 1 BP check certainly is not enough to be considered a good litmus test from a scientific or medical point of view. We both did not put two and two together until a few days later when her BP was consistently holding at 120/80 +/- levels for days in a row. I called around and could not get any answers but we Googled “Ganoderma, hypertension” and of course, there were countless articles that touched on the subject of utilizing Ganoderma Lucidum and hypertension. Her BP has held consistently at the same levels since April and for that benefit alone, we would buy the products since it is NOT medicine (she hates taking any meds), we drink coffee anyway, and we love the coffees even more than our previous brand!

Further, I myself have noticed that the minor prostate issues I have had in the past seem to be lessened (frequent urination, getting up at night to go etc.). I have no doubt that the Ganoderma in the coffee and tea is the reason our symptoms have gotten better. We both also noticed that our energy levels are higher and do not get fatigued as easily.

Since that time, I have a myriad of customers who enjoy the taste as well as the way it makes them feel afterwards.

I am now going full time as a representative for Organo Gold due to my previous businesses going south as a result from the consistent downward pressures in the current economy. I look forward to many lucrative years representing Organo Gold, its products and, being a product of the product………They are off the HOOK!



10 Oct 2009

John Spencer - Sugar Grove, Illinois

23 Feb 2010

It took me quite some time to put this together as I had to ponder the evidence and make sure I was not dreaming. When I first heard about the OG coffee from my sister and sponsor I was a little skeptical as I was a green tea drinker. I suffer from gastrointestinal disorder, (Stress) I had experience a great deal of relief from aloe juice, but it did not taste good at all!

Eventually I tried it and LOVED the taste of the OG Latte’ and Oh the Mocha was Divine! As I sat in my dining room and consumed cup after cup, I had to JUMP UP and Shout! call my sister and tell her that I could MOVE MOUNTAINS! I had so much energy and I was not going out the house ANYMORE without my Latte’!

Then I calmed down and wanted a “more” scientific evaluation. So I got my friend who refused to drink coffee and after much prodding, I was able to get her to drink some and Hello! the same sort of response! Well I was elated but the engineer in me forced me to calm down and get more “empirical data.”

So I approached another and in the meantime I now was a distributor and had secured three farmers markets where I could sample the general public and retail the product to cover my marketing and research costs.

The second day out, (the first day was great as we sold lots of coffee and got a good response) I met a guy named Bob who was 57 and from northern PA farm country who was helping a Quaker farmer sell baked goods at the market. Bob was a logger but at the time things were slow. Bob watched us set up and after watching us sample and listening to us for a while he came over and asked about the product. After we explained the ganoderma he asked us if it had caffeine as he was not allowed caffeine by his doctor. I told him yes it has caffeine and I suggested that he not violate the directives of his doctor.

Now I want to interject that around the age of forty, my eyesight began to change and instead of my vision being twenty twenty, I now needed glassed to read or see my computer screen. At fifty one I was now used to it.

Anyway Bob watched a while longer and then came back over and asked for a four oz sample cup. We gave him one… Then about ten minutes later he asked for another. We gave him one. Ten minutes later he was standing in the walkway directing customers to our booth proclaiming that “I am not easy to impress but this coffee has me ready to run around the park,” and he sold three boxes for us!

The next week Bob called me and met me at a market where he bought a box for his neighbor a seventy year old man. That day they cut two cords of wood and Bob could not be contained!

Well I still did not want to tell anyone about my eyesight and the doctor had been trying to put me on blood pressure medicine as since the financial meltdown and my “advancing age” I had seen a steady rise in my blood pressure. Well two weeks ago I returned to the doctors office and my pressure was down thirty points lower than it has been since my twenties! and I had to tell someone! It is ALL ABOUT the Ganoderma! So Bob is now a marketing associate, he really just wanted to buy the product so he started with thirteen boxes and I am sure that my gastro improvement and the fact that I can now squint to see the computer screen are just GREAT GANODENMA coincidences!!

Empirically Speaking!!

Lance C - Pittsburg, PA

02 Feb 2012

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