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I didn’t post this web site to fight you or to alter your view of the Network Marketing industry.

In some ways we are similar. I, too, see problems with MLM. But in one way we are different - I believe the NM industry can be helped.


In situations such as these there are at least two options: help “it” or harm “it.”


Let’s pretend you have a child and find he’s using drugs. Do you help him or harm him? I suppose you would want to help him. That’s the way I feel about the Network Marketing industry.


Personally, I believe there is only one fundamental problem in NM - training (or lack therof). The activities of the industry have slid away from real training. Today, the “standard training” is write a list of 200 people, call them, and tell them why you’re  excited. This is not training, and it often doesn’t work.


If you go back to the earliest NM activities, beginning in 1945, you will find that a distributor didn’t sponsor another distributor until that person proved they could get 25 customers. This activity ENCOURAGED people to train their distributors to sell products.


Since the 1980’s, several NM companies have focused exclusively on getting new distributors, who get other new distributors, etc. This activity bypasses training a new distributor to get customers. Add to that a general lack of communication skills and “get-rich-quick” hype and you have an industry that in many ways merits criticism.


However, to me the good outweighs the bad. The above-mentioned flaws are correctable and are within my scope and ability to correct. If you analyze the stock market industry, the mortgage industry, the medical industry, the entertainment industry, etc., you will find that there is bad in all of them. But you will also find that there is good in each of them.


When Network Marketing is done in a first-class way, it isn’t the same industry you criticize.


Therefore it is my intention to help the NM industry, as I’m quite fond of it.



Abdul Azim Ahmad

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